ZBSD Group Joined the 134th Annual Meeting of International Trademark Association held in Washington D.C.

发表时间:2012-05-20    浏览次数:1505

From May 5 to 9. 2012, manager of ZBSD International Department, Catherine Liu along with three other ZBSD staffs joined the 134th Annual Meeting of International Trademark Association (INTA) held in Washington D.C.

In recent years, INTA annual meeting, as an international meeting, has won highest and continuous popularity with Chinese IP people. This meeting attracted attendees from 9,500 famous IP professionals from over 140 countries and regions.

At the end of the meeting, Catherine Liu with other ZBSD staffs visited over 30 firms in Washington D.C., New York City and other American cities. ZBSD group and American firms had deep communications and discussions on IP services of China and America as well as had friendly talks on their future cooperation.

ZBSD   05-20-2012                                

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