ZBSD Delivers Silk Banner to the Chinese Trademark Office on behalf of Honda (China)
发表时间:2015-11-30 浏览次数:1840
In order to express our gratitude to the Chinese Trademark Office (CTO) for their long-term and effective work, especially for the completion of the examination on the well-known trademark registrations, "HONDA", "本田" and "H及图形", since August 8, 2014, Ms. Catherine Liu, our vice-general manager and director of international department, and two of our lawyers from Trademark Department visited CTO to deliver the Silk Banner on 2:00pm of November 30, 2015. Ms. LV Zhihua, deputy commissioner of CTO presented the meeting and accepted the silk Banner on behalf of the CTO. Ms. LV also introduced the current situation of trademark applications and indicated their resolution to protect the well-known Trademark registrations and addressed their examination concerns in the coming year.
ZBSD 11-30-2015